Sunday, November 30, 2008

For Today December 1, 2008

Outside My Window....It's dark now but I was just walking my puppy and it's very mild and a gentle breeze. I've been so busy today with a full day of school. I love mild days. I know if given the opportunity I would seek a very mild winter somewhere. I do not like the cold.

I am thinking....that I was too harsh today and only after the children have gone to bed, do I feel a little mellow.

I am thankful for....God's forgiveness, a new day tomorrow, fresh grace.

From the Learning Rooms...Shirley grammar is getting harder and my children need lots of review.

From the Kitchen...Anniversary Chicken was tonight's supper with left-over stuffing and sweet potatoes. SOOO good.

I am new sweatshirt from my dear, sweet sister-in-law, Carmen.
 It is super soft and she said it was to remind me of her giving me a hug.

I am Creating...I am thinking of making clothes pin dolls for Christmas, but I need to find my clothespins.  :)

I am the vet tomorrow hopefully to get Crumpet's cast off.

I am reading....Blogging for Dummies but I have no idea what they are talking about??

I am hoping...praying, and begging God to change our family, me included. There is a lot of I John chapter one to be put into practice and "loving one 
another" needed here.

I am hearing...the tea kettle boiling water for tea. I even had some herbal tea tonight, very strange for me. 

Around the House...Christmas decorations are beginning to be put in place. Lydia was good to get them out. But I miss my adult children, my girls who are now my dear friends. Time passes so quickly.  

One of my favorite things...getting out my Christmas dishes for the month of December.

A Few Plans For The Rest of the Week...the vet, the dentist, maybe the hair salon for Grace and Emma.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing... My grandson Seth!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

blessed with quite alot
FOR  TODAY  November 17, 2008

Outside My Window... It's dark now; the day is almost over but I have seen our first snow flakes this evening. I love the change of seasons that God has given us. Even though I might complain of the cold later, I am thankful for the newness of this winter in my warm home.

I am thinking ... that there are a lot of things happening in the next 2 weeks ie. Thanksgiving #1, Thanksgiving Service, Thanksgiving #2 and my Mother's 85th Birthday Party.

I am thankful for... Mondays when my dh takes off of work and is my support, helping with school, computers etc.

From the Learning Rooms...needing to accomplish much more than I have been. 

From the Kitchen... I am making stock for soup tomorrow.

I am Wearing... a sweater that my dear mother knitted me about twelve years ago. She was taught to knit when she was 4 years old. She has been knitting for 81 years!!

I am Creating.... low-fat alternatives for our Thanksgiving meal. I can hear that stuffing calling me. :0

I am going... nowhere tomorrow and I will love it. It is good to get a full day of school accomplished.

I am reading... Genesis and memorizing I John. I have just finished the first chapter and am working on the second verse of chapter 2.   I knew I couldn't do it. BUT God did!  I am so thankful for His love for me.

I am hoping... my three daughters have a blessed time in Montana.  I wish I were there seeing my Rachel and maybe a little of the scenery. 

I am hearing... my big Lab, Jake, quietly breathing as he sleeps at my feet.

Around the House... a lot of dishes needing my attention.

One of my favorite things...talking with my Elias.

A Few Plans For The Rest of the Week... Weight Watchers, Wal Mart, Bible Study, Wal Mart...

Here is a picture thought I am Sharing...

                My puppy, Crumpet, and I about 3 weeks ago.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For  Today  Monday  November 10, 2008

Outside My's very dark because this is the first time I have sat down today. It has been a wonderfully busy day.

I am thinking....that I should count my blessings. I have been given so much: warm house, loving children ( sometimes), loving husband (all the time), food, clothing and dear precious church family, my health....

I am thankful for... all the above and God's Word and some quiet, peaceful moments.

From the learning rooms....An additional computer has been added to our family so my children can all do their Switched on Schoolhouse. Btw only 4 children sharing only 5 subjects use SOS. I would rather do Unit Studies. My high schoolers do need Chemistry, Biology, Algebra, I suppose. 

From the kitchen.....I made 3 different soups today b/c our Pastor and his family came to visit: Cream of Broccoli, Tortilla Soup and Pizza Soup. Also 4 loaves of French Bread, Garlic Cheese Flatbread made by my daughter, Grace.

I am housecoat to keep warm. It's freezing outside!

I am creating....nothing now but I need to find some craft project to do for Christmas.

I am a Woman's Bible study tomorrow.

I am reading...Have A New Kid By Friday by Kevin Leman.

I am hoping...this book works.Teen attitudes need to change and mine too.

I am loco dog barking. She is 13 plus years old and has lost a bit of her mind.

Around the house...pots and pans to be washed, laundry to be taken care of, my husband's football game on, BUT this is my time to reflect and think of the Goodness of God!

One of my favorite things...a Dicken's or Jane Austen movie.

A Few Plans For The Rest of the Week ...Bible study, hand surgeon for me and a dental appointment for my daughter.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing....

A year ago my daughter, Meredith, my mother and I were here drinking tea at  Cassandra's Tea Shop across the street from Jane Austen's house in ENGLAND!!!  It was lovely! One of the highlights of our trip. 


Sunday, November 2, 2008

FOR TODAY Monday November 3, 2008

Outside My Window... I see a light mist on the harvested cornfields and my McCain sign bobbing with each car and truck that passes by.

I am excited I am to be able to start my day in silence, enjoying the angelic faces of my sleeping babies-ages 10-15.

I am thankful husband's job that the Lord has given him and kept for 36 years. In the challenging times of our economy, we don't take this for granted. But we can rest in Him because we know that our God is in control.

From the learning rooms....another week continuing with Shirley English, MathUSee, Veritas American History, Apologia Zoology 2, Switched On Schoolhouse, Total Language Plus, Lessons From History and Rosetta Stone.

From the kitchen....Meredith's gift of banana bread, Costco bagels and eggs.

I am wearing... still in my PJ's with my super soft blue robe and warm slippers.

I am creating...the "traveling treat jar" for one of my sister's in Christ. I am excited to start this in my church that I so dearly love! Because we travel about 45 miles to church, we spend all day in that area and many, many times we are invited for the afternoon.

I am going... to take Lydia to the orthodontist this afternoon and possibly visit with my daughter and my two grandsons!

I am reading...The Life of Adoniram Judson To the Golden Shore by Courtney Anderson. Before that I read a biography of Ann Judson. WOW, what sacrifices they made for the sake of the gospel! She loved her husband so much, lost several children and wholly depended on the Lord through so many hardships.

I am hoping... in God and praying for the salvation of my children and that He will me strength daily.

I am hearing.... a soft fan blowing-sweet peace. :)

Around the new puppy continues to heal with her broken leg.

One of my favorite things....a cup of tea with my daughters and my Mommie!

A few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... VOTING!! Taking Crumpet to get new xrays on her leg, attending the Bethany Banquet this Saturday. What a blessing that will be!

Here is a picture thought I am sharing....